Thursday, July 3, 2008


There is some seriously deranged stuff going on lately. The Amanda Knox thing being one (although it turns out that it is not so recent), the 12 year-old girl in Vermont thing being two, and this utterly diabolical event in London being three. I would guess drugs were involved in all of them; but who knows. Sometimes it seems that we are speed-walking towards Armageddon.


MrsCooper said...

I've noticed that the elderly people in my parents' generation who have been through world wars live longer than I've expected with great endurance. People nowadays can't handle stress and what stress? Reading news like this was something that could be written in Stephen King's novels. I've always wondered do humans need to go through hardships in order to get some form of perspectives in life to maintain sanity.

C-Belle said...

"have you noticed that only in time of illness or disaster or death are people real?" (to quote Bartleby, quoting Walker Percy)

My nightmares aside, there are real life monsters out there. Worse than even the most vivid imagination can conjure up. And even worse - they are HUMAN monsters, and so elicit all the rage and pity and horror and disgust and sorrow and confusion that we all should feel when one of us kills or is killed.

MrsCooper said...

Yes, even worse, human monsters killing others without an agreeable reason other than insanity. The closet one I can relate to was a friend's mother and sister murdered case. They along with two other people were brutally murdered a year ago in Marine. I don't think she will ever get over it. The serial killer was caught by his own parents. They dropped by for a surprise visit and saw him with four corpses in multiple pieces. Again, I can't imagine being the of parent of the serial killer.

Bartleby said...

I am speechless. Where was that? You mean they were a military family, in the Marines? Or is Marine the place?

I agree with the needing hardship comment. I have often thought my father was happy in mid/late life because when he was in his 20's he lived in fear of being shot down in Korea or China. After a few years of that, a bird-feeder and a boat look pretty good.

Real life monsters. I'll say. But are they also becoming more numerous? I know the point about more news, more cameras, more internet all means more reporting, not necessarily more crimes. But still... Or has a decent-sized faction of the population always been crazed, cold-blooded animals?

MrsCooper said...

Sorry, I meant Maine. It happened in September 2006. I think the story is still on the internet - google it under "b&b serial killer maine new york times".

Same with my father. He's content with what I view as "simple things".

I believe the amount of violence we watch on tv and movies is indirectly responsible for the creation of these human monsters.

C-Belle said...

This comment thread is making me think of Brokaw's The Greatest Generation.

Without testing, concepts such as strength and courage and honor are just abstracts.

And it suddenly becomes a lot less palatable to create drama when you've already had it thrust upon you.

As for media depictions of violence birthing more violence, MrsCooper just sparked an idea for a new blog post...