Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Obama's VP search

Since my first Obama post attracted so many comments, I thought I would post a follow-up.

Instapundit Glenn Reynolds and Slate's Mickey Kaus tag-team to make an early call on "a pattern of bad judgment", thanks to Obama's selection of insider Jim Johnson to vet his VP choices. Hmm. Kaus is a democrat, by the way. I think you have to be to write for Slate. Hehe.

The National Review agrees that the Jim Johnson choice was questionable.


MrsCooper said...

I agree with your comments on your first post.

I’m disappointed that Hillary Clinton is not the Democratic front-runner. This is not because she’s a woman.

Clinton would be the ideal choice as VP. At least, Obama/Clinton team would secure her 18 million voters.

Johnson choice would magnify his shortcomings.

Bartleby said...

Just to be clear, Johnson isn't the veep, just the politico appointed to help "vet" the veep (whatever that means). I think the problem with Obama-Clinton is that voters might see it as a cocker-spaniel walking a great-dane.

MrsCooper said...

Ok. Understood.
Thanks for clarifying it.

C-Belle said...

All I can say is that for the first time in my voting history, I might actually vote outside my party.

Bartleby said...

You vote? Cool.