Sunday, June 22, 2008

Rachel's headache

I had heard that Jewish women weren't that, um... passionate. Specifically, I remember being told by a Jewish friend that "they would be just as happy doing the dishes as doing you". So now look what's happened. The guys are running for the exits, I guess.


C-Belle said...

hmmm. I, for one, rather enjoy doing the dishes.

MrsCooper said...

It depends whom I'm with, doing the dishes could be a better option.

C-Belle said...

I wholeheartedly agree with MrsCooper. And my imminent born-again-virgin status (combined with my immaculate kitchen) should demonstrate that abundantly.

Bartleby said...

I need better distribution.

C-Belle said...

Distribution? In what way?

Bartleby said...

More readers who appreciate me! More metrosexual men (someone called me that on friday night while we were eating sushi) who like Hemingway more than Beckham - in their own right, but also because Brett Ashley is sooo much more attractive than a gumball girl like whatever her name is. F*ck the bling, give me idiosyncrasy.
